Sunday 24 June 2007


As I mentioned on my Criticalsecurity forum post (, I feel it's time that I actually get some network qualifications.

I'm looking at doing the Cisco CCNA qualification as it's a good primer on corporate networking and will allow me to move up onto Network security.

My qualification timeline would look like Cisco CCNA -> CCSP -> CCIE route.

Respectively: Primer, Security, Advanced.

This certification would allow me to get a good I.T job and earn good money!


Saturday 23 June 2007

A Security Company?

/me and a couple of select people have been throwing the idea around of starting a security company.

Seems that the idea is becoming pretty solid. We won't be one of these "run acunetix and get an automatic audit report" companies.

We'll actually do some real stuff, mainly S.E and network hacking and then teach employees how to protect themselves against such attacks.

Many ideas coming soon!

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Am I really that cool?

So yeah, the guys at Hackin9 ( have asked me for an article.

Having thought about it, my article on ARP poisoning and Cain on Criticalsecurity ( seems perfect.

I emailed the guy and he's happy with it as long as I expand it. I'll do that next week or the week after that because I've got some personal stuff to sort out.

So when it's published I hope I get paid, and if not I'll feel rather sexy.

I'll post something useful soon (promise)

Echo "Hello"

Yeah echo is lame,

Some of you will probably tell me that php is better, the nerdy school hackers will tell me that Net Send is the coolest thing in existence and the hardcore geeks will tell me to do it in assembler!

I am no web programmer, no nerdy school hacker and no hardcore geek (at least in that sense). I am what others fondly call a network monkey.

So what is a network monkey? A network monkey is simply someone who is passionate about networks, be they physical (RJ45's abound!) or wireless.

The one aspect of networking that interests me the most is network security and this is why I made this blog. It allows me to catalogue my discoveries.

It doesn't matter if you read it or not. It's for me, that's not to say I don't mind you reading it of course!